Little Girls Beware: A Guide to Surviving
Created & Written By Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace Bio | Email | Website | Twitter | YouTube | Online StoreWeekly News Article: May 17, 2016
This title will focus on the upbringing and the differences between our daughters and our sons. This title exposes a centuries old ploy that is passed down through generations. It addresses the stigma placed upon the females; especially, when in conflict with male counterparts. Everything that a young woman should be aware of in order to survive in a desensitized world where her value is measured by her appearance and/or others ability to profit at her expense.
I cannot speak for every other young girl but when I was young, it seemed like Boys had all of the privileges. In my time parents did not worry about their sons with the same energy as they did with their daughters. It was if they were allowed more freedom, more encouragement, more everything.
In addition, it was during our visits with my brother’s grandmother that I truly felt the gender difference. I am not sure if it was her resenting that she was not allowed to visit with her grandson unless she agreed to take us both or was it her own upbringing that led her to impose her views onto me. Whenever I would visit, it was always my responsibility to maintain the so-called 'women’s work.'
While she coddled him and catered to his every whim as if he were 'king', I had the responsibility of making the plates for our meals, cleaning and doing the dishes. If I managed to hide my discontent well enough, I was able to help bake the cake. I believe that these visits played a key role in my views toward the opposite sex. I was confused and envious because of the benefits of being male were literally forced down my throat.
Even though I was confused and frustrated, I was still a girl. I was a girl who was forced to grow up like many, without a father in our home to protect, spoil and educate me on the ways of the world. Although I share my family’s history, I do not place blame totally on my parents because this society has a history of separating families and forcing single parents to perform both roles in low income families.
I had the same ideas about life that most girls who were attracted to the opposite sex. I had dreams of falling in love and finding the man that would whisk me away from my mundane life. I spent my extra time reading those romance novels and feeding my mind with thoughts of ‘true love.’
Being the lovesick teenager that I was back then, I always had dreams of true love and viewed men as if they held the key to happiness. My mother was over-protective of her daughters and at times very bitter with regards to men.
I learned from personal experience that it is extremely important to inform our daughters of exactly what could happen to them once they go down this path. There was a time that the worst that could happen was that our daughters could catch a curable sexually transmitted disease or get pregnant.
Now the consequences are much worse and even life-threatening; whether it is contracting a deadly disease or dying at the hands of a violent lover. There are a multitude of horrific things that can happen simply because you think a boy is cute or because you chose to trust the wrong son.
I had no idea of the emotional consequences and ramifications of my actions and choices being that I was sheltered and on a figurative 'lock down’ since birth.
I swear it seems like some of these men hang out around the high schools or get some kind of mailing list because the men came. Each tried to run that 'pimp game' talk, right around high school. I almost allowed myself to get taken in by the attractive and seemingly sincere initial impression. I have been running from that lifestyle all of my life while looking for that mysterious thing called, 'love.'
Most females put so much emphasis on relationships and don’t get it confused. There is nothing wrong with wanting Love but it is no different than any other vice.
In the title: Music, Murder and Mayhem – A True Story! I expand on this topic further by addressing the tactics and ‘love games’ used to dominate and exploit your desires as young women looking for love.
You actually believe that you have rights as a U.S. Citizen and you believe that no one can take that from you. Therefore, you jump in with both feet not aware of the blood-thirsty sharks that are in the ‘water.’
Even if you believe yourself to be street savvy, you can still be deceived into a false sense of security which can and usually will be stripped from you just because...they can.
Most importantly, you will need to be able to recognize some of the traps that can be used to control, sabotage and ultimately lead to your downfall.
"She's Mine!"
I have been privilege to witness the innocence of children before they can be negatively impacted by others. I remember watching two brothers who had just settled into their new neighborhood. Back in the day, it was easy for children to find new friends. All that was necessary was for the child to step outside of their front door and the other children would flock to them.
Well this particular day, a neighbor came to visit the adults and brought their daughter with them. It was love at first sight because as soon as the two boys saw her, they both almost simultaneously uttered, “She's Mine!" It was as if it was an instinctive and inherent part of being male.
The parents laughed as if it was ‘cute’ or adorable that the young boys were attracted to this little girl. Seemingly, innocent but as I look back on that incident and after experiencing that kind of possessiveness…I no longer think that it is cute for the opposite sex to view females as mere possessions or something to own.
It has become clear to me that if a child not older than five or six could feel compelled naturally without any coaxing that he could actually in some form, ‘own’ a female; we should be concerned.
With age, not much has changed with how women are viewed by men and other women.
In the title shown below, I expand on this topic further by addressing the tactics and ‘love games’ used against young women looking for love.
The topics below are meant to prepare you for the worst case scenario. They are some of the possible traps that can be used as forms of influencing and controlling you and can negatively affect your future goals.
While you are being raised completely different from boys, some of them are being taught by predators to prey upon your wants and desires.
Currently there is an epidemic where men are literally kidnapping young girls. Young girls are literally being snatched, beaten, drugged and forced into a life of prostitution. Pimps are teaching other young boys how to play mind games and lure young girls with the prospect of love into a world of debauchery.
In the article shown below, this an example of how the unfortunate female victims rank in comparison with fluff piece news articles…
The article reads, in part:
After court, the victim’s mother said her daughter was also a victim of Sharpe’s manipulation.
“He’s a bad, bad man,” (victim’s mother) told the Review-Journal. She said her daughter was pregnant with Sharpe’s baby during the months she lived with him and the woman. Sometimes (the female victim) would leave Sharpe, but he’d coax her back with fake promises or threats, she said.
Kariah Heiden gave birth to Sharpe’s baby before she was jailed. Sharpe’s family has custody of the baby, she said.
“Now my granddaughter is living with that family of pimps,” a tearful Sara Heiden said.
Police said Sharpe is related to Raymond C. Sharp, a pimp given three life sentences by a District Court judge in 2012 for kidnapping and living off the earnings of a prostitute.
Sharpe learned in court he was facing 16 felonies, including kidnapping, sex trafficking and assault. He shook his head slightly and muttered to himself, but said nothing.
On Sunday Review-Journal columnist John L. Smith said prostitutes are often ignored victims in Las Vegas, whereas animal lovers often pack the courtroom when a dog is abused.
On Wednesday the Review-Journal was the only news outlet present for Sharpe’s hearing. Almost every outlet, however, attended the hearing of Gloria Lee, the woman accused of trying to set fire to her puppy boutique in January.
None of the puppies were harmed.
It is truly sad that people can place little value on certain major issues involving the abuse of women and children. I understand that all life is valuable but those pets were unharmed...
Clearly, priorities are twisted by society when ignores and/or justifies many wrongs.
The first mistake is to believe that it cannot happen to you!
Again, this is not just an attack on African American males because this epidemic is a worldwide problem, across many cultures and races. Everyone has to accept responsibility for the way we raise our daughters and for the way we allow our daughters to be treated.
People need to acknowledge and address the ugly truth that women are not disposable possessions to be sacrificed, persecuted or blamed for a centuries old problem that destroys nations.
This website, blogs, articles only provide information regarding the personal experiences and first hand knowledge. I am in no way attempting to know everything or provide any professional advice. The experiences of those who are willing to share should be valued and considered a 'gift' because this valuable information is hard to come by in a society where greed and hate reigns.
Unfortunately, it is easier to ignore the truth than accept that there is no justification for any individual to be subjected to the many coincidental civil and criminal infractions.
You should tell them to take advantage of the opportunity to learn from others and encourage them to read the whole story found in the following titles:
Music, Murder and Mayhem – A True Story! – “Remember that there are so many talented young people who have been sheltered their whole lives by their parents, churches or religious groups and have no idea of what it is that they are dealing with. The many aspirations of our youth have led to their undoing because they are not fully equipped and prepared for the world. Seven West Productions, LLC's motto is, "Well-informed individuals make good decisions!"
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Music Business: It’s a Dirty Game! - Although many have protected themselves in every way, many artist, writers and producers have been denied the opportunity to even pursue their claims and are forced to fight for their rights. This book uses personal experience from direct association with major music industry personnel, contracts with major music publisher. This book is not just for the aspiring artists but it is also for those who are interested in learning how the world actually operates. This book calls attention to the events that lead to major entities being exposed, corruption, greed, lies, hypocrisy and even murder – past to present! Read more
Learn the game...
Learn the game...
Chapter 7: In the Beginning – Music
The DEAL was at one point the biggest Dangling carrot of all. I wanted to write for others and have at least one project released where I was The Artist. I had plans but what I didn’t realize is that my plans interfered with someone else’s plans.
Along the way I manage to piss off all the wrong people. I tend to do that when I sense that my best interests are not being looked after.
If I felt the slightest bit of deceit, I was in the wind. I was moving too fast and I didn’t want to settle for someone that would shelf me or just steal my lyrics. While at the same time, I had to get my name out there and let people see that I had talent. I soon found out that it wasn’t about talent. What I found was a lot of unhappy musicians who were trying for much longer to get there. The industry is definitely worse than the dope game.
All of the production companies were starving. Everyone had a dream but only so many had the ability to get their work heard by those who could make it happen. The egos were ridiculous the higher up you went. I met a lot of producers and I intend to address each of them in the order I met them to share my experience.
My first recording artist deal was when I was twenty years old. I signed a contract for a female group with Sanchez (different from the other Sanchez mentioned later). It never went anywhere and with time I just moved on.
Although at first I wrote stories, children’s poems and melodies, I eventually met Lee Marcus. He was about six feet tall or a little less than. He was brown-skinned and almost always wore African styled attire. He seemed like he was a genuine person who didn’t make me feel uncomfortable but I could tell he had pimp-like ways. He encouraged me to use my feminine wilds to get close to older men but this wasn’t my style.
I wanted to get into the business but I was young and thought I would be different. I found out much later that the song was used on a popular sitcom. The lyrics for the hook was, ‘Keep standing tall, Keep standing tall…’
I had never watched that type of show at the time so I didn’t realize it was used. I had poor man’s copyright at the time. I found out late that his family/brother was connected to or a police officer.
I ran into Lee Marcus some time later, (after my Zomba ordeal) we were going out and my mother ran out to the car to take a picture of him as we were leaving. I was so embarrassed. I think that’s when she gave a damn about my safety.
Lee Marcus wasn’t a bad guy, but he thought very highly of himself. Lee Marcus and Jake Salazar were in the music business together. I never found out what happened with them.
Even though no one seems to tell me anything lately; it is amazing how much information that people would brazenly tell when they thought that they had the upper hand. He was having big fun telling me how much that I reminded him of his ex-wife and that he didn’t like her. He also told me of his family being associated with the police. I don’t think that that was the only group that he was affiliated with.
I just assumed that his cocky attitude was because he felt connected or untouchable. I laughed it off because it didn’t matter to me. During our conversations about the music business, I trusted him due to his experience as a drummer in a band and dealings in the music industry. He definitely had more experience than I had. The information he was providing me with and the music tracks for me to write to seemed invaluable.
Lee educated me about the importance of copyrights but advised poor man’s was same. I discovered much later that poor man’s copyright is not the same. He had described the structure of the music business as a unit which consisted of five major labels at that time. He went on to mention that the Jews ran the music business. I never thought anything about it because I saw all people pretty much the same.
Being raised separate and isolated, I only had an ideal of the world – Brainwashed from youth. It was my view that most people wanted positive results for others. I was going to change the world. All my messages, poems and song titles reflected positive or nurturing ideas but that soon changed. After the initial placements of works that I had given; I can only assume that word got out about lyrics being free game.
Keep in mind that I was a fugitive from the law living in Detroit when I was working with him and I was not on any radar because I never used my name or social security for anything. I don’t recall him ever offering me a contract but wanted lyrics for music tracks. Five works given to Lee/Jake: 'Keep Standing Tall', 'It's Love/I'm what you need', 'where are you now?', 'I need you here', and 'Just for you.'
Once I signed the publishing contract with Zomba, I spoke with Lee again and I was trying to build a team. I had four to five writers under contract with my company and asked him would he like to help. I remember that he became indignant and began to mock and he laughed at me saying that ‘him sign with me’ as if it was the funniest thing he had ever heard. He was by himself this time without Jake Salazar.
At this time I had no knowledge of other works being placed. So I believe that when Zomba referred to having songs that I had written ‘before and after’ covered in contract, it was very likely that they had knowledge of these works. I, personally, looked at it as if I were paying my dues and was willing to charge that to the game at that time.
Meanwhile, I was unaware that a Georgia warrant was issued on May 19, 1993 for probation violation after I started working with other local music producers. I think that my decisions definitely interfered with someone's plans. I can wholeheartedly say that their intentions were bad from start. Then I received the blame for not signing or letting them lock me down when it was apparent that I had no value in their eyes. Well after initial Georgia warrant and case was resolved, I really started to work with others in the music industry.
After many years, I was able to obtain information on each of the music producer and I discovered that they were not competitors as I was lead to believe but that they worked together.
[5] At the same time, Jake kept in touch with his musical roots frequently helping his uncle and various other groups playing ethnic music around Michigan and Ohio. The recording studio opened up another world for Jake Salazar and he started to analyze the recordings with curiosity and ambition dissecting each note like a surgeon and precisely orchestrating the production not only as a session studio musician but also as a record producer.
Jake took direction from Richard Becker who was the chief engineer for Motown Records and owner of Pac 3 Recording Studio in Detroit that produced all of the hits for Westbound Record (Parliament/Funkadelic, The Ohio Players, and Patti LaBell.) Jake later hooked up with DJ (Ben Mercado) who played Latin music at a Detroit local black station, WJLB late at night. He worked for the DJ who asked Jake to go through the records from the mail room addressed to the show and separate the playable records from the non-playable records. Jake got to take the non-playable records home. The playable records, of course, were the records that contained money in the album jackets.
The music industry was deeply embedded heart, mind and soul and it surrounded Jake day and night with its creative influences. His devotion was unparalleled to no other desire. Jake did a sting promoting records for several independent record promotions companies with clients such as CBS Records, Warner Bros. Records, RCA Records, MCA Records and Capitol Records and traveled around the country visiting stations and their PDs to get them to play the records.
During the late seventies and eighties he started working for labels, production companies and music publishers while occasionally performing live and recording in the studio. Jake Salazar has led a successful career as a music record executive a long side his many accomplishment as a record producer.
Jake has achieved three Grammy Nominations for his record productions. Being in the company of legends, heighten Jake's capabilities with extreme confidence. Jake Salazar became affiliated with Manuel Montoya of MEG (Montoya Entertainment Group) a company that provided international services to clients such as Herb Alpert, Janet Jackson, Marie Osmond, Quite Riot, Julio Iglesias, Kenny Rogers, Placido Domingo and Sylvester Stallone to name a few and established a production company.
[6] Jake Salazar was a co-founder of the Tempo Music Group. A coalition of independent record companies owned by veteran industry professionals and celebrities such as Anita Baker/Michael Powell, Sylvia Moy, Martha Reeves, Isaiah Thomas, Thomas Hearns, John Salley, Lee Marcus, and Leonard Jones among other prominent business colleagues.
Jake has been a consultant to over forty record labels and for many of the industries' major artists and manages the careers of a chosen few. Jake has been a consultant to over forty record labels and for many of the industries' major artists and manages the careers of a chosen few.
Hip-Hop/Rap artist Baby Blue, A.K.A. Big Nic on Big Money Records produced by Jake's son, Jake "Chacho” Salazar, III. All distributed through an arrangement with Universal. Prior administrative obligations were for Grammy Winner Little Joe/Polygram Records, Grammy Winner Cesar Rosas/Los Lobos/Warner Bros. Records, Platinum artist Tierra/MCA Records and DeLeon Music Publishing/Peer Publishing.
There they were, Jake Salazar and Lee Marcus, in my living room, personally providing me with music tracks for me to write my lyrics and melodies, I guess I should have felt honored. Jake Salazar, Lee Marcus, Leonard Jones and Michael Powell were all prominent business colleagues and they say that I am the one who is guilty of betrayal.
Obviously, I didn’t just pull names out of a hat, this was no accident, and I can see why these people want me to just die. I guess this is where the harassment from Hispanics could be originating from; they must have had a falling out. What did these maniacs do? Not one of them tried to offer anything, no decency, just treachery and you expected what to happen exactly? I was unaware that they were close prominent business colleagues.
Shortly after meeting Lee, I met Leonard Jones of All Purpose Disc. He was an older man in his late 50’s or older. I accepted a job as his secretary part-time. I actually liked getting dressed and going to work being that I had never worked before. My ex-husband provided for us for the most part, this enabled me to have more time focused on the children and my music. I believe he felt that keeping me close to home would prevent contact with other men.
While working for Jones, I met a lot of people that would come to the office to meet with him. He never came on to me or used his position to try to get some ass like I expected. Instead he seemed to be testing me and checking to see what my deal was. I was also watching, checking to see if he actually had good intentions. Of course, I felt that he might be in a position to help get me to where I wanted to be - Major. As I worked there, I would hear the different artist express their concerns and issues. Mostly, I would try to read all the people that came to his office; including his wife.
His wife hated the sight of me. Jones and I would laugh because we both knew that we weren’t doing anything. If he was cheating, it wasn’t with me. He’d joke and say that she called me ‘that Thang’ and I would reply with “that’s Ms. Thang to her.” Although I liked Jones, I didn’t have faith that once I signed he would follow through.
Eventually, some guys came in the office and they were not happy about something to do with money or a project and it was not pretty. That was my queue… I'm talking about Detroit men, pissed about money; I quit that day but before I left I called myself getting some numbers for distributors and possibly producers. Not unlike anyone else who felt they worked for it. I never saw him again but he wasn’t a bad man but just like others who couldn’t have their way – He probably wasn’t happy with me.
I worked with another talented local music producer named, Darrold Campbell. He was a light skinned African American. He was quiet for the most part but he spoke when he had something to say. I genuinely wished him well and I liked his music tracks. He was very professional and he should have gotten a deal on his talent alone. He would tell me that I didn’t need help with writing song lyrics. His tracks were highly praised by those in the industry with years of experience. I never hesitated to give his business info to others.
In addition, Darrell Strickland was lyricist/producer (slightly crazy in my opinion from bumping his head for years with that damn dangling carrot). He was between light and medium brown skinned African American. He was ‘cool people’ but because I felt that he wanted more than music relationship, I left. We had a great time hanging out though. We went to Nova Scotia, Canada and just kicked it with some other musicians. We all just sat around playing music and showing off our talents – Freestyle. I will always remember that trip. Canadians were very friendly to me and it was nice to get away for a while. I know that he had some crazy ass thuggish brothers.
I worked with Hershel Tinsley and Tim Lempke, they were music producers but I didn’t like the way they wanted me to sing. I tried and it didn’t work out. There was no soul or feeling in the song that I was given and I wasn’t allowed input.
I also met with some lady who had studio out of home said, ‘writing songs like a relationship’ Ah; no I don’t think so. I don’t remember her name but I didn’t like the vibe I felt. It was if people were saying that I tried to cut others and was completely self-serving.
I was working on exposure and decided to agree to a radio commercial for ‘Mind your business campaign’ on radio. This was a campaign designed to encourage support for local businesses. It was really good experience and it felt good to hear my voice on the radio.
I was so excited about music tracks and wanted to write, I began to seek out different production companies to offer my vocals to help sell their songs for studio time and/or tracks to write my songs.
Curtis, my husband, at the time supported my endeavors. He purchased a little 4 track player so that I could put my melodies down with the music. I would spend my nights smoking weed and writing. I became obsessed with music and the more lyrics I wrote, the more I learned about copyrights, legal process, etc…but what I didn’t know is that even if you have copyrights – you are not protected if you cannot get a lawyer to represent you.
My husband and family introduced me to Larry Hatcher (If that was his real name) was involved in music industry and was a writer/lyricist who lived in both cities, Detroit and Los Angeles. He was a friend of the family and I was told that he could possibly help me with my music. He was over 6 feet in height, medium build with medium brown skin African American and seemed upbeat, energetic and interested. He was fun and very likable but never open. At this time in my life, my husband and I had just come clean about our issues and concerns with our relationship. I thought that we had decided to work things out and stay together.
So I went into my dealings with Larry with strictly business mentality. Curtis would drop me off at his house to work on music tracks. I liked him but I was chilling and I made it clear that I wasn’t down for extracurricular activity. Once, Larry and Val were sitting on the couch and he just whipped it out and she started playing with him while they looked at me. I kept writing my lyrics and ignored them.
He was the type of man that knew his way around women and how to get what he wanted. One eventful night he decided to take me to a party at his friend’s house, I went and I was running from him the whole night. He finally brought me a drink, VSOP and I drank it. Right after the party, instead of him taking me home he went to his house. I was out of it and the next thing I knew he had me up on the table on my back and lifted my dress up and he was inside me. I couldn’t move and I was in shock.
Immediately, I started crying and demanded to go home. I was throwing up all the way home. I can’t remember if he took me or if Curtis came to get me. I continued throwing up and crying all night. I told Curtis, my husband what happened to me and he didn’t even respond. It was like he didn’t care or believe me. I told my mother and I received the same response. I was so hurt that neither of them gave a damn that I said forget them.
Do you know that I hardened myself at that moment and made excuses to justify me going back to who I felt was the only person really in a position to further my career? The sooner the better, than I can get away from them for not caring. I know that he was a friend of their family but I didn’t think that they would just give me away. So, yes; against my better judgment I went back to him knowing that I had hateful feelings towards him for what he did. I addressed it with him and expressed my anger towards what he did. He apologized and I said I accepted but I still held a grudge at that time.
I was furious but I just told myself that he didn’t hurt me. So keeping this in mind, I just couldn’t hold it anymore and when we had that meeting with Renzer - Zomba, rep at Art & Rhythm’s studio with Larry Roc Campbell, I just snapped because I couldn’t bear the thoughts of them cheating me out of my songs and that he did me like that. I went off on him verbally but no one else knew why, just Larry Hatcher and me.
I think back to when I told my girlfriends/sister-in-laws that one of my fantasies was to have my man just take it but we were just talking. Whatever, that was a tragic experience for me. Prior to this happening, I had met his friend Larry Roc Campbell and I was checking him out and I know he didn’t like it but he never said anything.
What possessed him to do that to me? – To this day I think this was a tactic used to cause imbalance, confusion and dismay. In addition, there were implications that she may have known Larry by her response to our incident. Looking back I truly believe he feels like I hurt his feelings because he said sorry. I am still negatively affected and way messed up by that move. If he hadn’t he may have had a chance but this drove me to what’s his face…and definitely far away from my ex-husband emotionally. - Hurt, angry, mad at myself for responding the way I did – My husband and mother failed me, so my dumb ass made matters worse with that one.
Larry had introduced me to Larry Roc Campbell, who at that time was a music producer (self-proclaimed master manipulator). Roc was already contracted with Zomba under Ara - Art & Rhythm and worked out of a small studio in Southfield, Michigan. Roc was slightly less than six feet tall, with medium build and medium brown-skinned African American. He would have probably been taller if he not been bow-legged. He also had a cleft or dimple in his chin. He was very sexy in his strong but silent kind of way. Art & Rhythm; which consisted of Ara and Roc, offered a contract but didn’t want to offer any monies. Of course, just like anyone else would have done – I declined due to no money. I tried to talk to him but he just sent me to Ara.
Since I had a husband and mother willing to give me away, I had someone that I thought that I could trust hurt my soul. Roc didn’t think enough to come up with any money for contract, I wasn’t asking for millions; this why I signed that BS contract in my weakened state.
I guess I needed to believe that there was something good for me somewhere. I guess I was delusional about wanting to be cared for or looked out for…maybe I saw something that wasn’t there (you think, duh). That won’t happen again. I know that he was encouraging me with his complaining about home, treating me extra nice. Maybe, I wanted to believe I saw something that wasn’t there. Again, my dumb-ass came on to him and he rejected (which was the right thing to do).
I really thought that he was a nice person but as I look back, he gave me a ‘shh!’ gesture right before the meeting with Renzer - Zomba, rep. Looking back that is probably why Zomba rep. told me after the issue with works to stay away from Larry Roc Campbell. Almost twenty years later, I discovered that he later became Jive Records A & R.
I worked on a few projects with Paul D. Allen. He was a music producer/engineer for Michael Powell’s Vanguards Studio. He is approximately 5’ 10, brown-skinned African American, well dressed quiet but definitely skilled music engineer. I didn’t trust him completely because his ties to Michael Powell and the fact that he scheduled a meeting with me then stood me up but called weeks later ready to work.
Paul was a music producer/engineer for Michael Powell’s Vanguards Studio. I had met Michael Powell but he had his artist that he was promoting and he came across very haughty. Mr. Egomaniacal…..I didn’t trust him and was afraid of his intentions and I had been shelved before. Paul was quiet and reserved when I worked with him. Honestly, he supplied one of my favorite music tracks, “Why can’t I” - that was a really good song. I wrote and sung my heart out for that one. He looked up to Roc with respect when I made reference to him. It was almost like he wanted to stand up for him when I began to mock.
Shortly after my battle with Zomba began, I met CC or at least that’s how he introduced himself, I was not expecting that and my instincts said ‘run bitch.' This was some new stuff and I probably shouldn’t have…but my instincts are rarely wrong. I don’t think he knew that I knew who he was.
I had just seen his picture in a magazine associating him to Jive label. He was gorgeous and so I started to pretend as if I didn’t recognize him. Suddenly, I got really nervous and I decided to make my famous get-away. I ran away because I couldn’t understand why he was in Detroit, at the same club that I was in. I don’t believe in coincidence. His demeanor and timing instilled concern and I was not ready but tried to play big girl but my fear took over.
David McPhearson - Zomba, rep - CC/Jive… I never worked with him but I was infatuated with briefly. He was light-skinned African American, possibly six feet tall and very attractive. I still have no idea of what his role was in this sudden appearance.
Shortly afterward I started to hear stories about something happened bad to someone and people started treating me awful. Implying that he or someone was beat up or hurt. Now how was supposed to feel. I didn’t know what was going on. I didn’t know who was just caught in crossfire and who was responsible. I didn’t know it was a joint effort at the time. Each of them had their own motives and intentions.
First encounter which lead to Zomba It felt like someone had my house wired because that would have been the only way. I didn’t go around telling everyone that he was there.
It wasn’t long after the incident with Larry that I met with David Renzer, Zomba, rep but he made me feel uncomfortable. I couldn’t read into his intentions probably because I was tore up from what I was going thru on the home front and with my music. I felt that it didn’t matter/I didn’t matter – Just get your paper boo boo or so I thought but my heart and mind betrayed me.
I was a mess and it was my first meeting with David Renzer and the other Jive label representative along with Larry, Roc and Ara, this is when I snapped. I had not seen or talked to Larry in a while so seeing him and being in that situation was upsetting at the time. It felt like I was in a pressure cooker and all I could think about was what I was told about him taking credit for my lyrics, combined with my emotional state regarding our incident and life on the home front was not good.
It was too much so I took it all out on him but he definitely deserved a lot of that verbal lashing (I had not forgiven him). I am sure that each of them had their reasons and motives for their actions but there is one thing that I am sure of is that their intentions were definitely self-serving.
Unfortunately, human nature doesn’t always allow for most to wish others well. Instead, it does give many reasons to intervene, attempt to prevent any positive results, and spread a complacent attitude towards doing the right thing.
Per Renzer's request, I was supposed to submit in writing my claim to my work.
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Music, Murder and Mayhem – A True Story! - This is an un-cut non-fiction description of how the music entertainment business murders its artist and writers quietly behind the scenes. It is important that people understand the ‘game’ and how it ultimately affects others. The documentation provided along with my personal experiences shared in this book should demonstrate the lengths that those who have abused their positions to strip individuals of their life publicly by using illegal tactics, mass deception and intimidation.
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Invisible: Living in America without Rights! - This book demonstrates how some individuals are deliberately oppressed and denied rights by those that are in positions to manipulate the courts to ensure injustice continues. This title discusses how some high profile case where some have been made invisible when the legal system falls short of providing justice. Therefore, by limiting assistance and preventing Due Process they enslave individuals by using their money, power and positions to deny rights that should be guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America.
Invisible: Judicial Misconduct Exposed! - This book demonstrates how some individuals are deliberately oppressed and denied rights by those that are in positions to manipulate the courts to ensure injustice continues. This title discusses judicial misconduct and ‘obstruction of justice’ and deprivation of rights at the hands of the courts and its clerks. Tile includes actual physical evidence and proof of deliberate deprivation through courts and its clerks tampering, editing, withholding, modifying filings and disregarding its own court’s rules and procedures. Review actual proof of these allegations and more!
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Little Girls Beware: A Guide to Surviving - This title focuses on the upbringing and the differences between how we raise our daughters and our sons. This title exposes a centuries old ploy that is passed down through generations to exploit our daughters. It addresses the stigma placed upon the females; especially, when in conflict with male counterparts. Compares both points of views when dissecting views on interracial relationships; both, past and present. Everything that a young woman should be aware of in order to survive in a desensitized world where her value is measured by her appearance and/or others ability to profit.
Everything on these website and publications are true and they provide supporting documentation for all allegations. There is no disputing the information found on any of the websites used to expose the atrocities that have continued for decades. I also provide videos that support an unnatural amount of coincidental incidents of abuse, see:
I have had people completely disregard the most heinous acts and mistreatment under the guise that my writing allegedly reflects poor grammar. I am supposed to be this uneducated, ignorant and unworthy individual who cannot compile a sentence. I am super stressed, constantly bombarded and subjected to repeated unnatural events who is trying to exercise her rights to live so I'm sure a few typos can be overlooked.
I am one person. I am the only person in the whole world that cares about my freedom and my struggles. I am using the only method that is available to me to fight for the right to exist and to be recognized as a human being. I copy and paste between article. I am constantly having to battle and fight through major opposition, racism, sexism and stupidity. Everything that I release, write and share has to go through many programs, people and technology. I use spell-check and attempt to review every article. When I release my recordings, they reflect my thoughts and the message is far more important than the grammar used.
Please consider that the information on these blogs, websites and titles are in direct conflict with multiple entities and groups. I have provided a multitude of supporting documentation which clearly shows opposition. I do not know what you receive on your end but attacking my writing in blog post and pages is unnecessary. It is not applicable; especially, this article... because I proofed and spell-checked. I am not really surprised but it is sad that they would take the time to tell me to correct invisible errors and then turn and block me from logging into their App.
Tiwanda 'Ne Ne' Lovelace,
Founder of Seven West Productions, LLC/7 West Publishing
P.O. BOX 400001, LAS VEGAS, NV 89140 (877) 885- 2944
Official Websites – &
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