Sunday, February 28, 2016



Created & Written By Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace 
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E.O.A.A. Weekly News Article: Friday, February 27, 2016

When individuals protect themselves legally, invest valuable time, money and works hard at achieving their dreams and endeavors… There have been many post which have described experiences ranging from copyright infringements, breach of contracts, civil and human rights violations to allegations of public dehumanization and bullying. There has also been a slew of supporting documents regarding legal cases and lawsuits, all mentioned on this blog.
The courts was the last civil route and should have done its job at least by pretending to follow the rules but because of corruption...the Courts, the politicians and those in power, close their eyes and say, 'WE don't see anything...!' while covering and profiting. 

In addition, there are those who are fully aware of how to take advantage of a 'system' which clearly does not recognize (specific) individuals. These entities, wage war and profit knowing that the induced violence will sway public opinion and assist in depriving rights openly. 

It would appear that there are individuals (like Jehovah's Witnesses) who are raised separate from individuals within their communities who make perfect victims. These individuals are deliberately isolated and they do not build relationships or become involved in groups and are relatively perfect scapegoats for those who are members of other groups or entities who seek to profit. It is important for me to continue to express that people should not be able to manipulate events, use violence or gang up and bully in an attempt to induce the suicide of an individual who is not apart of their 'group' for revenge. 

The purpose of this blog & my other website:, are to expose this 'situation' for what it is...bullying and dehumanization. 

NO ONE should be able to circumvent justice and deprive them of their rights to adequate representation and the opportunity to pursue proper resolution.

As U.S. citizens we rely on the enforcement of laws, our rights under the constitution and the legal system to protect even the individual, when all else fails...h
owever, when the individual has no choice but to seek legal remedies, the Courts not only turn a blind eye and refuses to acknowledge their own rules and procedures BUT in some cases assist with 'obstruction of justice...' and assist in the deprivation of rights. 

Whether you have experienced firsthand just how faulty the legal system can be or not, it should be clear as to why there is a large number of individuals who have completely lost faith in our judicial system.

This is the Petition for the Judicial Conference Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability to Review a Judicial Council Decision on Judicial Complaint No.’s 11-15-90101 through 11-15-90104. The Judicial Complaint of Misconduct was filed 08-11-2015 regarding Hon. Judge William S. Duffey of No. District of Georgia – Atlanta Div. and Hon. Black, Pryor and Kravitch of 11th Cir. of Appeals with regards to No. District of GA, Case No.: 1:03-CV-00925-JTC / 1:03-CV-00925-WSD Docket no. of any appeal to the 11th Circuit: 04-16688-EE.

In the Bound Judicial Complaint of Misconduct included 70+ pages of supporting documents, Complainant alleged that Hon. Judge William S. Duffey of Northern District of Georgia – Atlanta Division committed the following acts:

(1) ‘…Treated Litigant in a demonstrably egregious and hostile manner; AND

(2) The Court(s) delay of this Complaint arose out of an illicit motive and in order to assist the Defendant who are a governmental entity, evade accountability; AND

(3) The judge's used their office to offer special treatment when minority Plaintiff. files suit against governmental agencies; AND

(4) Discrimination against minority female litigant on account of race, ethnicity, sex…through manipulation of filings/docket entries; thus, obstructing justice.' –

Which, in accordance with Rule 3(h)(3)(A), is not merits-related.

Review the following pages to see actual copies of a Complaint of Judicial Misconduct, which clearly demonstrates how the courts own rules and procedures are misused, ignored and/or are completely disregarded for the purposes of deliberately denying equal justice and done in an effort to support the deprivation of rights. There is no question as to how the entire process is clearly rigged.

Cover Letter & Judicial Misconduct Petition (Pages 1- 6)

Per Rule 3(h)(3)(A) - ‘an allegation that a judge ruled against the complainant because [they] a member of a particular racial or ethnic group, or because the judge dislikes the complainant personally, is also not merits-related. Such an allegation attacks the propriety of arriving at rulings with an illicit or improper motive. An allegation that a judge treated litigants, attorneys, or others in a demonstrably egregious and hostile manner while on the bench is also not merits-related.

The Chief Judge, Hon. Ed Carnes, ruled on 10-16-2015 in favor of accused Judges listed in Complaint stating, “allegations of this Complaint ‘is directly related to the merits of a decision or procedural ruling,” AND Chief Judge, Hon. Ed Carnes added, ‘Apart from the decisions or procedural rulings with which ‘Complainant takes issue, she provides no credible facts or evidence in support of her allegations…’ 

(Upon review of the documentation that was included with Complaints, Petitions and Filing that supported each allegation…it will be clear that there is credible facts and evidence in support).

At each level of this process, there has been the use of ‘generic’ justification; such as; ‘merits-related,’ ‘no credible evidence’ and ‘without more’ and accusing Plaintiff of simply not liking the decision further indicates a need for review. When allegations and actual, substantial proof has been submitted along with Complaint; yet, there is ‘widespread’ refusal to acknowledge included evidence AND without consideration of said evidence; therefore, this deprives Complainant the right to be heard.

‘The Judicial Complaint process relies on chief judges considering known information and triggering the process when appropriate. “Identifying” a “complaint,” therefore, is best understood as the chief judge’s concluding that information known to the judge constitutes probable cause to believe that misconduct occurred…, whether or not the information is framed as, or intended to be, an accusation.

Also, in accordance with Rule 2.2 Impartiality and Fairness, Judges shall dispose of all judicial matters fairly, promptly, and efficiently. Commentary: [1] In disposing of matters fairly, promptly, and efficiently, judges must demonstrate due regard for the rights of the parties to be heard and to have issues resolved without unnecessary cost or delay.

Complainant seeks to Petition for Review due to, at each level of this process, the Complainant has complied with Courts Rules and Procedures and was deprived of opportunity for fair and equal treatment through alleged misconduct.

At each level of Judicial Complaint, the rules themselves are used ‘in part’ to justify without considering the applicable ‘parts’ which support Complainant opportunity to actually have the Complaint investigated. This is not only ‘issues with Judge’s Rulings and decisions’ but the conduct of Courts in its refusal to acknowledge Plaintiff was filing IFP-In Forma Pauperis.

Per 28 U.S. Code § 1915 (d) - Proceedings IFP - In Forma Pauperis dictate (d) The officers of the court shall issue and serve all process, and perform all duties in such cases. Witnesses shall attend as in other cases, and the same remedies shall be available as are provided for by law in other cases. Plaintiff. submitted all filings to Clerks in triplicate.

Plaintiff submitted all filings to Clerks in triplicate AND referenced this process within filing, motions, etc. AND Courts Order delegated that Clerks prepare and process service upon Defendants. 

At each level of Judicial Complaint, the IFP filing was briefly mentioned but then disregarded in that Service was the responsibility of the Courts Clerks and that Plaintiff submitted ALL filings in triplicate; COURTS was ALLOWING and did ALLOW Dekalb Police, Defendant to blame Plaintiff. C.O.A. ruling stated, “We need not address Service, Plaintiff. failed to Serve properly.” 

Each Judge disregarded Courts Clerk's Duty to process, not Plaintiff.

Accusations of deliberate delays out of an illicit motive and offer favor…are demonstrated in the Docket entries and facts of the case itself. The Clerks received the Plaintiff’s signed and completed Summons and USM-285 ON 02/17/2004; Yet, Clerks held and did not begin the process until after 30 days…Docket shows Summons processed on 03/16/2004.

Plaintiff. filed Motion for Entry of Default and Request for Summary Judgment on 04-23-2004, 38 days after Summons and Waiver was processed as indicated on Courts docket system. The Amended motion was filed on 05-06-2004, 52 days after initial Service was processed. EACH filing was submitted to Clerk in triplicate.

On 06/23/2004, [11-1] Motion for Entry of Default and Motion for Summary Judgment was submitted to Hon. Judge Jack T. Camp who had previously stated that “’Police’ entities can be a suable entity…’ (if certain criteria are met).’ The initial Judge, Hon. Judge Jack T. Camp, was (3) weeks in review of Plaintiff’s Motion for Entry of Default and Motion for Summary Judgment.

On 07/12/2004 (19 days later), the Courts started a whole new process of service without the Plaintiff’s involvement or signature as shown on Docket Entry #9-10 compared to #13. Refer to Docket Item #7, page 6, 7 & 8…Hon. Judge Camp advised:

“…To sufficiently plead a § 1983 claim against a local government entity, a Plaintiff. must allege…AND… A local government entity “can be found liable under § 1983 only where the [entity] itself causes the constitutional violation at issue.” AND when referencing Lovelace, the Judge added, “Plaintiff. has adequately stated claims upon which relief can be granted, and her claims have an arguable basis in law and fact.”

The NEWLY ASSIGNED judge was switched to Hon. Judge William S. Duffey who completely disregarded the initial judge’s ruling with regards to police ‘being a suable entity.’ (Completely unfair and would never have happened without cause to anyone else unless African American female filing in I.F.P. and I was worried about the first Judge's name being JACK T...).

The newly switched Judge William S. Duffey completely disregarded that Plaintiff was filing IFP and that according to Courts Rules …Clerk’s had duty to process ALL filings (which were submitted in triplicate).

The newly switched Judge William S. Duffey completely disregarded Plaintiff’s filing in triplicate and Plaintiff’s Filings.

Courts ignored that the Clerks ‘lied and processed another Service package using Plaintiff’s name by entering it on the Docket AS IF Plaintiff. was actually re-executing.

This was done with clear illicit motive, in an effort to provide Defendants even more time, nullify Plaintiff’s Fillings and blame Plaintiff.

In essence, creating false grounds for Defendants to request the Courts not to recognize Plaintiff’s filings. In accordance with Courts Rules …once Clerks received Plaintiff’s filing and motions in triplicate, it was there duty to process appropriately.

Plaintiff continued to provide documentation which supports allegations and at each level, Plaintiff was disregarded.

(5) Five months late, Defendant was allowed to Answer on 08-19-2004, 155 days after initial filing.

Defendant’s Docket Entries reflected less than 30 days of entries, filings and motions and not one was delayed, questioned or disregarded. However; Plaintiff waited 9 months to even proceed, 30 days for Clerks to process submitted Service package and 6 months for switched judge to Rule on Motion
submitted to Court on 05-06-2004 until 11-04-2004. 

There is no way that the Courts would have allowed the Plaintiff. who is African-American, female refuse to follow Courts Rules and procedures by failing to file an Answer for (5) five months. to a Complaint and Summons.

If the Courts or anyone was to review the Docket Entries 15 – 24 (dated 08-17-2004 to 09-17-2004), the entire time-frame that Defendants made in appearance and were involved, it clearly shows that it was under 30 days. Each groundless Filings were promptly process and upheld without question or hesitation while completely disregarding Plaintiff’s. fully supported pleas and ALL handled by Courts Clerk (kt).

AND, During the entire process, Plaintiff. filed a total of (2) Motion(s) for Correction and Notice of Error: COM-Page(s) #35-37: Docket #5: 1st Motion dated April 15, 2003 advising Courts of questionable behavior and regarding Clerks failure to perform duties, regarding Clerks removal, editing of or manipulating Plaintiff’s filings.

Upon review of Docket Entry [11-2] Notice of Lawsuit, Courts and its Clerks selectively chose when to follow Courts Order…although months after Hon. Jack T. Camp’s Order ruled that Clerks list Dekalb Police as Defendants, on this mailing they listed Dekalb Probation. 

Each instance, whether from the delays due to illicit motive, to egregious behavior of disregard and other allegations listed would never have happened so blatantly if Plaintiff. was not a minority female filing in IFP Forma Pauperis.

I humbly requested a review by the Judicial Conference Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability.

Review the following pages to see actual copies of a Complaint of Judicial Misconduct, which clearly demonstrates how the courts own rules and procedures are misused, ignored and/or are completely disregarded for the purposes of deliberately denying equal justice and done in an effort to support the deprivation of rights. There is no question as to how the entire process is clearly rigged.

These PDF’s summarizes the entire process, from allegations to highlighting how courts own officers ignored courts rules. This is only after the raping, bullying, violence and intimidation…(The initial Complaint of Judicial Misconduct is below the summarized petitions and request for review).

Petition for Review of a Judicial Council Decision (Pages 1 – 24)

Although Complaint included over 80+ Pages of supporting documentation (most was taken directly from Courts Own Dockets) the Chief Judge Ruling ignored it's own rules, see Ruling below:


The Chief Judges Ruling was partially taken from (3) (A) where it states that, "...An allegation that calls into question the correctness of a judge's ruling....without more, is merits-related."

The 'without more' can only be used if the Judge ignored the documentation that was included within the Complaint. 

In addition the rules allows for Complaints to proceed even if it can be considered merits-related wherein certain instances which are clearly defined above and listed within the Complaint!

The Initial Complaint of Judicial Misconduct is available at:

Click to Review: Initial Complaint of Misconduct-Pages 1-82

The purpose of this blog & my other website:, are to expose this 'situation' for what it is...bullying and dehumanization. 

What's sad is that with this blog alone in just the last 2-3 years of post, combined with supporting documentation which supports much of my many allegations...Yet; there has been no interest from officials regarding major civil and criminal violations. There has been betrayal from family and friends. There has been continued persecution from the public.   

NO ONE should be able to circumvent justice and deprive individuals of their rights to adequate representation and the opportunity to pursue proper resolution.

In this blog, I have repeatedly referenced this 'charade' and 'facade' (which is actually revenge hidden within street justice) against one individual, as being cruel and unjust. It is clear that the major entities are dead set on refusing to acknowledge their part in these atrocities, nor are they inclined to acknowledge an unaligned African-American Female as a human being. When events can be manipulated to affect multiple groups and entities, this limits any opportunity for an individual to attempt to align themselves. 

It is also clear that the public can be manipulated into encouraging atrocities on a single female instead of the 'system' that has blatantly deprived justice. 


See March 3, 2016 video of response from a Civil Rights Organizations representative’s ‘defeatist’ attitude and who clearly has no interest in actually providing assistance. Visit: (This organization is the 1st listing when searching for assistance with Civil Rights in San Francisco, CA from an online search engine).

Video shows Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights is too busy and could care less about standing up for people’s rights or at least this African-American female. Why do people fund these types of programs? If they don’t actually have any intention of doing what they allege, why do they continue to operate? Are they in place to weed out those who don’t accept ‘slavery?’ Are they in place to add to the despair of those who are already facing the vilest of violations by nonchalantly telling them to ‘buzz off’?  L.C.C.R. of San Francisco, CA 94105 Showed complete disregard for individual’s civil rights and their response to allegations was disgusting for an organization who is supposed to represent the fight for civil rights. Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights apparently believes that violations are acceptable for certain individuals…It’s ridiculous that according to their rep, “…it’s happening to a lot of people…” so therefore, he was saying, ‘whatever!’ It went from him not having time to even look at the 2-page letter to tell me more, then he abruptly said, ‘don’t be surprised if I cut you off… It’s truly sad when those who are in place to assist, demonstrates that they could care less! The woman who went to get their other rep. laughed as the man came to get the 2-page letter and my business card. I will be releasing the audio of the D.O.J. response to allegations of misconduct and more…NOTE: Correction – ‘Not the son of the chief of Police but still related’ (either way, it is a very strange coincidence)

Although many have protected themselves in every way, many artist, writers and producers have been denied the opportunity to even pursue their claims and are forced to fight for their rights. When you take into consideration that there are many issues that mankind still has yet to overcome; like racism, sexism and greed...NOW we must also accept that the individual has no rights or value in our society when groups can bully any individual out of their rights for any reason. 

I am a U.S. citizen who has been seriously considering seeking asylum in other countries solely to seek legal assistance with the many legal situations that I am being forced to endure; such as, dehumanization, bullying, rape, public harassment, etc...

I do not believe that a U.S. citizen should be forced or pressured to leave their own country in order to seek legal representation against major entities.

It has been an overwhelming experience and I assure you that every allegation is fully supported. Due to human nature and man’s inhumanity to man, every turns a blind eye.

It would appear that there are individuals (like Jehovah's Witnesses) who are raised separate from individuals within their communities who make perfect victims. These individuals are deliberately isolated and they do not build relationships or become involved in groups and are relatively perfect scapegoats for those who are members of other groups or entities who seek to profit. It is important for me to continue to express that people should not be able to manipulate events, use violence or gang up and bully for revenge in an attempt to induce the suicide of an individual who is not a part of their 'group' or ‘class’ or sex. 

The purpose of this blog & my other website:, are to expose this 'situation' for what it is...bullying and dehumanization. I have also attached copies of web page as PDF's in the event that you are unable to access the website.

NO ONE should be able to circumvent justice and deprive them of their rights to adequate representation and the opportunity to pursue proper resolution.

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These thought driven, life changing publications are not easily accessible through mainstream publishers solely due to the information provided within conflicts with the goals of a billion-dollar industry.

This book uses major music label contracts, public records and experiences to demonstrate firsthand what traps await our young aspiring artist by providing detailed information regarding methods and tactics used. There are no other books that will provide extensive knowledge regarding their process. These publications are not easily accessible through mainstream publishers solely due to the information provided within and due to conflicting with the goals of a billion-dollar industry. 



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how it ultimately affects others. 



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ISBN: 978-0-9896225-4-7 Printed, Perfect Bound, Black & White

Available on Google Play & Google Books @

This title is written based off true crime and actual events that officials saw fit to ignore. In this title, the court system has been placed under the microscope from the view of the everyday citizen to reveal how it really works for the less fortunate. This book demonstrate how some individuals are deliberately oppressed by those that are in positions to manipulate the courts to ensure injustice continues. 
Inside, some high profile cases are re-examined. 




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