Thursday, April 21, 2016

Sample: Music, Murder and Mayhem - A True Story!

Created & Written By Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace 

E.O.A.A. Weekly News Article: May 1, 2015 Updated and Re-Posted March 13, 2016

Sample: Music, Murder and Mayhem - A True Story!

An un-cut non-fiction description of how the music entertainment business murders its artist and writers quietly behind the scenes. People assume that artist just sign bad deals that allow producers/managers to take everything but this is not always the case. Learn how the system encourages and allows it to operate with impunity. It is important that people understand the ‘game’ and how it ultimately affects others. See sample below:


Well the first thing that you should consider is that corporations make billions of dollars on products and services. They also spend millions of dollars protecting their businesses interest and they are constantly competing for more. I am sure that you are familiar with the term corporate espionage? 

From the banking industry, tobacco industry to the weapons industry, these are powerful big businesses that generate billions of dollars in profits. In each industry, they do not hesitate to ensure that their dollars will continue. Each one of these fields have their leading competitors of which are always utilizing the latest in technologies and programs. 

They hire other individuals to represent their company and they usually pick people who think like themselves or they select those who will do what they are told. They lobby behind the scenes to ensure that they maintain their controlling lead with the competition. You rarely see the owners of these major corporations in the public’s eye but you know that they are there behind the scenes making decisions and moving people at their discretion just like pawns. 

Some corporations provide employment and contribute to the improvement of the economy. I am not attacking big business; I simply do not want you to lose focus on the fact that it is just that - Business. 

It is important for you to view the music industry as a business and not just see the people who are in front of you or those who have been presented to you. The music industry is no different from any other billion-dollar business, they are constantly striving to make and keep as much profits as possible. People can and have been known to rationalize the music business in many different ways. 

Regardless, it is and has always been about controlling the money and the power. There is nothing inconceivable that some of them are not willing to do in order to maintain the system that has kept them in power for so many decades.

Obviously, the music business has a history of being known for not paying some of its Artist.  You have heard of some Artist accused the companies of taking away their creative control. Many involved with the entertainment industry has stated that the business has cheated many different individuals involved in the music business out of their royalties. It is also not uncommon to hear people make reference to the music industry as enslaving the Artist. I am sure that this is not the first time that you have heard the word ‘slave’ used by an artist to describe their experiences. 

Throughout the years and even with the so-called changes in society, one thing seems to be clear is that those individuals who are the real power behind the music business do not consider all people equal. If someone works for something but the system allows for and encourages that no payment is provided, then that is slavery. 

To subject, hinder, oppress, intimidate and manipulate in order to avoid paying any individuals for their work is unconstitutional but it has been happening for years and is still happening in America, even today. 

One of the ways that some are able to overcome this form of slavery is to become ‘properly aligned.’ There are many different groups that can actually provide some kind of shelter but it depends on how far down the figurative ‘rabbit hole’ that you have gone or how much damage has ensued while you were tending to your ‘wounds.’ Remember, this business has eyes and ears everywhere and they saw you coming before you arrived on the scene. 

Being properly aligned doesn’t necessarily ensure that all your dreams will come true instantly. Depending on how much damage has been done in an effort to dissuade any assistance from others, you will most likely be lead to believe that you will have to just accept your loss while they encourage you to start over with them. 

This may be acceptable to you, depending on how much of your heart and soul has been destroyed with the tactics and methods used. Most likely in this scenario, this group or choice is actually a part of the system and simply wants to force you to ‘let go’ of your fight. This would only allow the abuser to continue to dehumanize and destroy lives.

If there has been little of no damage and you can live with the loss, then by all means you can take it upon yourself to ‘charge it to the game.’ Basically, that’s when you just accept your loss and use your knowledge to begin again or you can just walk away.

There is always an exception to the rule but believe me when I say that this game gets dirty, I mean filthy nasty dirty. In most cases, you will find it difficult to just walk away because they may not be finished with you.

The entertainment industry is a predominately male run business; it is needless to state that it is extremely more difficult for a female to enter the business unscathed than for a man. Don’t get it confused, it is not easy for men either but it is increasing more difficult for the female because of some of society’s views towards women. Let’s face it, men have had a long history of controlling women for centuries. 

Although women have been positioning themselves in the world of big business, there are still many who refuse to recognize the many talents and benefits that women in leadership positions have to offer. In my opinion, a smart man knows how to harness the power of a woman by letting her flourish and not by figuratively dulling her shine out of fear and foolish pride.

In addition, male artist has had to endure similar attempts of other men trying to control them as well. For men, it is more likely that the use physical harm or the threat of being imprisoned or actual imprisonment that is or will be used to subdue or to maintain control. 

Being a woman, I would like to address the female artist first so I would like to focus on what is considered the ‘norm.’ 

The position that you play will strongly depend on how you present yourself and who it is that you come into contact with. If you associating yourself with someone who is known for womanizing or as someone from the streets that doesn’t respect women combined with a desperate ‘I’ll do anything’ type of persona - you will be treated like a whore. 

If you place no value on yourself, they will not either. If you have talent and you present yourself as a professional, someone will still attempt to place you in that same category mentioned above regardless of how you present yourself solely due to their views. 

There is also a good chance that if the right person has faith in your talents, then some type of arrangement can possibly be made but you will most likely give up something in the end. In previous decades, it is common for the spouses of artist to have their husbands assume management of their careers and finances. Don’t be fooled, these men are chosen and cannot be just any Tom, Dick or Harry because they must be in a certain class or group to ensure that they are properly aligned. 

A female Artist career can definitely be affected by her choice of relationship material/manager and/or by their association. Some will attempt to separate the two but they will soon come to realize that even if you manage to bend this rule temporarily, behind the scenes the plotting of your career’s demise has already begun. Even some of the strongest willed women have found themselves caught up in this trap disguised as ‘love’ set-up by the ‘system.’ 

There are those that have been able to maintain control or the appearance of control without allowing one after the other assuming her power. This type of situation may not always be considered unpleasant but unfortunately some have found themselves with violently abusive men who resent their successful counterparts and who only wish to dominate her mind and body. 

(If they cannot possess you, then they will ensure events that will thwart any interest. Unfortunately, other women will play a role in assisting in creating hardship based on male influence so be careful who you trust.)

The latter is usually the norm in the music business combined with mind games and excessive spending until a majority of the finances is depleted. There is always the possibility that some may position themselves in your life with the intentions of causing mental and emotional distress. Having negative associates in your immediate company can also have a damaging effect on your good name or your career if their behavior is criminal, immoral or unethical.

Whether you choose to make the decision to begin a working relationship with someone or not, there are consequences. Some of these men or women may even belong to different groups who may be or may have already been negatively impacted by your decisions. Your attempts to survive the business may conflict with others plans and they may only intend to cause you harm as some form of revenge. You must ask yourself, are you properly aligned?

As with any business, there is competition and the struggle for power and money. I will address the many different ways that can be used to establish control over you in the next few chapters. First let’s look at the question that everyone asks when they realized that their world is no longer the same…Why me?

Author BIO Highlights

Tiwanda 'Ne Ne' Lovelace is an Author, Writer of controversial publications regarding privacy violations, rape, bullying, violation of rights against citizens located in the United States of America. Expressing and discussing the 'system' which operates with impunity at depriving rights. These titles discuss and expose how the public is used to cement oppression and induce suicidal reactions to direct harassment and the dehumanization of individuals while hundreds of millions of dollars change hands at the expense of others.

These recording addresses corruption and highlights the information which can be found at http://requestforlegalhelp.com,,

Due to 'obstruction of justice' and civil rights violations, Lovelace I am still seeking legal assistance. Proof of allegations can be found at requestforlegalhelp(dot)com. There has never been any option for obtaining legal representation due to major entities involved and multiple events that officials disregard!

These publications allow the only opportunity to stand up and be heard in a world where greed, racism and sexism rules. 

Everyone has a story but the atrocities that have been allowed to continue blatantly will shock even the most weathered individual...If you are interested learning more about some of these challenges and obstacles, please visit:

There are no other books that will provide extensive knowledge regarding their process. These publications are not easily accessible through mainstream publishers solely due to the information provided within and due to conflicting with the goals of a billion-dollar industry.

Get Your Digital Copy!

(Purchase - Click Image)

An un-cut non-fiction description of how the music entertainment business murders its artist and writers quietly behind the scenes. People usually assume that artist just sign bad deals that allow producers/managers to take everything but this is not always the case. It is important that people understand the ‘game,’ the 'system' and how it ultimately affects others. 


(Purchase - Click Image)
This book uses major music label contracts, public records and experiences to demonstrate firsthand what traps await our young aspiring artist by providing detailed information regarding methods and tactics used. There are no other books that will provide extensive knowledge regarding their process. These publications are not easily accessible through mainstream publishers solely due to the information provided within and due to conflicting with the goals of a billion-dollar industry. 


(Purchase - Click Image)

In this two-part title, the court system has been placed under the microscope from the view of the everyday citizen to reveal how it really works for the less fortunate. This book demonstrates how some individuals are deliberately oppressed and denied rights by those that are in positions to manipulate the courts to ensure injustice continues.

BONUS! Part II - INVISIBLE: Judicial Misconduct Exposed! This title discusses judicial misconduct and ‘obstruction of justice’ and demonstrates how some have been made invisible by a corrupt legal system. Review actual proof of these allegations and more!


Tiwanda 'Ne Ne' Lovelace - Author, writer of controversial publications regarding privacy violations, rape, bullying, violation of rights against citizens located in the United States of America. Expressing and discussing how the public is used to cement oppression and induce suicidal reactions to direct harassment and the dehumanization of individuals while hundreds of millions of dollars change hands at the expense of others. This recording addresses corruption and highlights the information which can be found at http://requestforlegalhelp.com,

Bonuses, Updated, Full Versions…ONLY Available Direct from Publisher, SWP 

P.O. BOX 400001, LAS VEGAS, NV 89140 (877) 885- 2944

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Tiwanda Lovelace
Founder and Owner of Seven West Productions
P. O. Box 400001
Las Vegas, NV 89140

"Never Give Up, Never Surrender" 
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